Over the holidays, I spent time with a creative seven-year-old. We baked cookies. We did art projects. We even played a little in Lightroom and Photoshop.
And she looked through my almost-to-print book and gave me her insights into what she thought each image expressed. I was blown away.
As she read the copy and turned the pages, she commented,
“It’s very relaxing.”
“You’re showing people other ways to look at nature.”
Here’s what I imagine she might see here:
A window to let light into the world.
Slender monkey bars to play on.
Golden accents like the jewelry she loves.
The fact that our recent visit inspired this image and how to interpret it reminds me that we all come to art with our own history, our own baggage. What colors we love. What experiences we have had. What our dreams are for the future.
My hope is that 2025 brings you and your families health and hope and happiness.